Nothing ever stays the same.
I think that I speak for many missionaries in saying that this is one of the most difficult parts of being a 'sent out one' - change. It seems like we live with almost constant change. One of the most heartbreaking aspects of missionary life for me is the ebb and flow of friends. It takes a very special relationship for me to define as a friendship. I have had some friendships to burn starlight bright while they were with me (or near by, in the same country) then fizzle when they left Zambia. Other friends are friends for life but life has taken us in two separate directions so that our communication has dwindled to be distressingly infrequent. Nothing ever stays the same.
It is also hard to watch friends and families struggle with changing relationships. My daughter's best friend just left today to go to boarding high school and the mother of the daughter who has gone to boarding school will come home to an early empty nest. This hurts my heart for both of them. This pain of separation, this changing of life is hard. Nothing ever stays the same.
Jesus says in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Nothing ever stays the same but in these lives full of trouble and change, there is peace. Please pray peace over us all as we cope with changes in relationships, changes in families - that we will have peace and take heart because Jesus has really overcome the world. Pray that our hearts will not be hardened but they will be open and willing to embrace others for the sake of the Gospel.
Let it be so, Sweet Jesus.