Saturday, November 27, 2010

More of our trip

We arrived safely on the other side, even though the pontoon had a leak and was the be fixed. We had a second of panic when we arrived on the other side and the pontoon driver said he was putting the pontoon up for repairs today and wouldn't run again that day. I got on my phone, texting some of our team members to pray and we left - with the faith that the Lord would take care of it all. After about an hour and a half of driving on an ox cart path, we arrived at our friend's house. We were driven around a bit, meeting some church members and family members then we arrived at the church - after fording some pretty deep streams (while I prayed fervently that we would not get stuck). As we arrived, the church members began to sing, beautifully. I cried as we shook hands with everyone - I was so happy to finally be there. We had about a 3 hour worship service. They had made these wonderful instruments. We have never been at a church before that had homemade guitars (that worked!) and homemade bass. It was a great worship service!

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